Sunday, 27 March 2016

The Cursed One

Today I tell you of a story, a sorry and untold one,
We hear of many great heroes but seldom,
Seldom, does one hear of the cursed one,
He with his might many battles won,
And in his times mad countless enemies,
including the three fates of Hades,
so that he may for his sins atone,
the fates cursed him to forever walk alone,
and walk alone forever he did,

thus his life and fame this curse undid.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

I Cannot Rest

I cannot rest,
I must go on,
I cannot rest,
Not now, not here,
I, cannot rest.

Tonight some sleep in peace,
Some celebrate,
For they think, they have won,
For they think, the battle is over,
But they are wrong.

They do not take life for what it is,
It is not one battle after another,
It is an eternal war.
There is no peace,
There is no rest,
Until the very end.

Every moment they spend in their oasis,
Of peace and pleasure,
They lose on their dreams,
They lose on the true victory.

But I must fight on,
I, must trudge on,
For I have a dream,
I, shall not rest,
Until it is fulfilled.

And I must achieve my utopia,
I must taste success,
I must win this eternal war.

Thus I cannot rest.
I, cannot rest…

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Let There Be Rage

When you are down,
When you are all knocked out,
When you can’t move on,
When you’ve been pulled down,
When you’ve lost sight.

Then don’t hold back,
And let there be rage,
Rage, against such preposterous blindness,
Let there be rage,
Rage, against these woeful bonds.

And in this rage,
 Pray, lash out,
Severe the bonds,
Set the world ablaze,
Paint it red.

And in that moment,
Pray, soar above the rest.
Be, what you want to be,
For you are the architect of your own destiny,

Shape it well, shape it well. 

Sunday, 6 March 2016

The Turn

I am at corner,
I am about to take a turn.
For me, this road is over,
And a new one is about to start.

But is it grassy and green,
Or is it thorny and dry?
Is it an untrodden one,
Or is it one well-travelled by?

I guess I will never know,

Until I make this road my very own.